Thursday, October 14, 2010

2010 Collection: Aluminum Earrings

The first project I made using large wire gauges are earrings. They are fun and easy to make. I also do not consume a lot if and when I encounter difficulties that warrant me to just disregard that particular piece. Yup, I made a lot of mistakes in the past, most of which was marring the wire and eventually throwing it away.

Now, every time I make earrings, I compare them with having a vacation. I do not tire myself too much with one piece and can move on to another in just a few minutes. Gratification is instant! That's one reason I love making them. Also, I consider them as one of my best sellers in bazaars and commissioned work. They make good one of a kind souvenirs during debuts and all girl parties. I just did that when I turned a year older about two months ago. My friends loved them and wore them the minute they opened their gifts of appreciation.

To share with you my inspiration/s with making earrings....well everything I see around my room is an inspiration. I do my earring work in front of the television, on a Crime and Investigation channel. Don't ask me why but I had fun doing them =) You can view them here.

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